Teambuildings – indoor/outdoor
Training Line
Individual development trainings
Sales trainings
Trainings for managers
Leadership a managerial skills
Situational leadership
Effective leading of meetings and workshops
Professional managerial communication
Time management for managers
Motivating subordinates
Evaluation and performance reviews
Delegation as a part of management
Conflict management
Train the trainer
Selection and recruitment
Introduction to Labour code for managers
Ochutnávka - Viacgeneračné teamy a organizácie
Development Line
Outsourcing line
Quality Management System of HUMAN CAPITAL certified by TŰV SŰD Slovakia according to STN EN ISO 9001:2009

Quality guarantee
Ensures the top quality of our training programs and guarantees, that the content, methodics of each training module as well as the trainers fulfil highest education standards.

Our Coaches are certified by ICF organization
Human Capital Coaches are members of International Coaching Federation, with specific degrees of certification.

Teambuildings – indoor/outdoor
Every team – including work team – goes through different development stages and has its own dynamics. Being so absorbed in job employees often do not have time to realize, they are a part of a team with varied intensity and level of relations between individual members of a team.
How about sparing a day or two for people within a team or a company?
Teambuildings are an efficient way, how to deepen mutual fellowship, one’s own identity and interconnection of the team, eliminate mutual barriers or conflicts , that arise frequently in the workplace.
In a creative, sportive, entertaining as well as competitive way – in the nature or in some premises - we will prepare you an unforgettable teambuilding. Solving issues your company is going through currently can be a part of teambuilding. Photos and videorecord, which you will receive, will bring back pleasant and funny memories of this company event.