Individual development trainings
Training Line
Individual development trainings
Sales trainings
Trainings for managers
Leadership a managerial skills
Situational leadership
Effective leading of meetings and workshops
Professional managerial communication
Time management for managers
Motivating subordinates
Evaluation and performance reviews
Delegation as a part of management
Conflict management
Train the trainer
Selection and recruitment
Introduction to Labour code for managers
Ochutnávka - Viacgeneračné teamy a organizácie
Development Line
Outsourcing line
Quality Management System of HUMAN CAPITAL certified by TŰV SŰD Slovakia according to STN EN ISO 9001:2009

Quality guarantee
Ensures the top quality of our training programs and guarantees, that the content, methodics of each training module as well as the trainers fulfil highest education standards.

Our Coaches are certified by ICF organization
Human Capital Coaches are members of International Coaching Federation, with specific degrees of certification.

Individual development trainings
Time Management – effective management of time
We all recognize the lack of 24 hour time within our daily business. This training program is intended for all, who sense the need how to determine, manage and organize time effectively…
Presentation skills – „Present with a smile“
Thanks to its methodics, structure as well as interaction, this program is very popular among our clients. The training is intended for everybody, who presents in front of a group ff people or public and needs to persuade, motivate or sell…
Professional communication and communication techniques
All relationsips are created and maintained through communication. We realize, that when communication is disfunctional, the relationship can not work. This training will help everybody, who needs and wants to improve in communication skills with his clients, partners, superiors, peers and create and deepen open relationships in professional and private environment…
Assertively into life – assertive behavior and communication
Assertivity is today very popular and a quite often used word. What does this though mean in real life? Training program „Assertively into life“ is here for everybody, who wants to have open and correct relationships, denies manipulation but does not want to be passive in relationships on the other side…
On-the-phone communication
Most of the successful sales starts and ends today with a phone conversation. This common tool is a key to successful sales, customer care, customer satisfaction measurement, customer retention, but unfortunately sometimes the root cause of a failure. Training program is intended for employees on customer service, assistants, call center staff, as well as all, who get in touch with their clients and business partners through the phone…
Social and business protocol – social behaviour and appearance
Managers of all levels attend the business meetings, partner gatherings and social gatherings, which are the sources of newly acquired or maintained customer and social contacts. Training is intended for managers on all levels, assistants, and employees, who attend various social meetings and occasions…
Stressmanagement a relaxing techniques
The words of a well-known psychologist: „Stress is in an appropriate measure good, because it moves things…“ Stress oftenly helps us to achieve set targets, is able to motivate us to a higher activity. In this state of physiological and psychological tension, it is not feasible for a man to exist on a long-term basis without side-effects. Training is intended for everybody, who at their job or in private life feel stress and would like to better manage it and prevent it…
Conflict management and solving of conflict on a partnership level
The target group of this training program are the managers of all levels, teamleaders, supervisors, project managers as well as HR managers and HR specialists…
Intercultural management
Understanding, why it makes no sense to blame or willing to change „the others“ and is more efficient to focus on higher intercultural sensitivity...